Sugar Run Equine provides many holistic services for pets, including acupuncture for horses, as well as other large and small animals.
Acupuncture is a holistic healing practice employed in Chinese medicine developed thousands of years ago. When it comes to acupuncture for horses, dogs, or other mammals, the goal is to return balance to the energy flow in the physical body. Studies in both animals and humans have shown evidence that acupuncture can cause biological responses within the central nervous system, that sends messages to the brain. Chinese medicine believes this response is due to the energy flow through the body’s meridians, or pathways, which activates physiological responses.
The Process of Acupuncture
Humans have 371 known acupuncture points outside the body, and animals have 179 points. By inserting small, slender needles into specific areas of the body that align with the meridians, clinicians aim to clear energy blockages and restore strength and balance to the body’s energy flow, sometimes referred to as ‘qi’ energy (vital energy). Applying stimulation to the corresponding points can bring relief from many medical conditions, including such ailments as allergies, skin disorders, gastrointestinal and urinary conditions, pain resulting from injuries, anxiety, nausea, and nerve damage. Though the needles may cause an animal some minor discomfort, the majority of the time, they stay calm and relaxed once the process is underway.
Acupuncture for horses and dogs is most often administered as a complementary treatment to other holistic methods of healing, such as herbal remedies. Other forms of acupuncture include:
Electroacupuncture - employs a low level of electrical current through the needle
Hemoacupuncture – the injection of small amounts of liquids such as Vitamin B12
Moxibustion - the burning of herbal sticks at the acupuncture site
Homeopathics - the injection of the patient’s blood into the acupuncture points.
The severity of the problem will determine the number of treatments your pet will need. Over time, acupuncture can regulate the circulation of ‘qi’ energy, and help the immune system to regain the body’s strength and vitality associated with health and well-being.
Equine acupuncture has been used on horses for years, and is shown to be a very effective treatment for a variety of equine conditions including:
Pain relief, including back pain
Performance issues
Post-surgical rehabilitation
Ligament and tendon issues
Reproductive problems
Chronic conditions, skin conditions, allergies
Non-surgical colic
Canine acupuncture has been performed on dogs for many years, and is an effective treatment for many different canine conditions including:
Post-surgical rehabilitation
Ligament and tendon issues